SECAS Newsletter January 2018

Welcome to the first Smart Energy Code Newsletter of 2018.

This is due to be another significant year for the Smart Metering Implementation Programme and the SEC. Key milestones such as the SMETS1 and Advanced Metering Exception end dates are approaching, with SMETS1 Enrolment and Adoption activities scheduled to occur. Release 2.0 is also scheduled for the second half of 2018, which will deliver Dual Band Communications Hubs functionality, and the first industry-raised SEC Modification Proposals with DCC System impacts being implemented.

To support this extensive body of change SECAS will increasingly be looking to ensure our engagement with SEC Parties delivers the key information that our stakeholders need.

To kick this off, SECAS have organised a Network Party round-table engagement seminar for 20th February 2018, and an invitation will shortly be issued for the first of the quarterly Spotlight on the SEC Seminars, which is due to be held on 8th March 2018.  The SEC Change team are also conducting a SEC Section D – Modification Process workshop on 6th February 2018, seeking industry discussion on the Modification Process detailed in the SEC to ensure it delivers change as effectively as possible.

If you are interested in attending these events, or would like to suggest other types of engagement or information that would be beneficial for you, please contact or your Party Support Analyst directly. We are always looking for your feedback to improve our events, newsletter, website and any other communication we have with you.

Best regards,

Courtney O’Connor

Party Support and Operations, SECAS


SEC Governance

SEC Panel

The SEC Panel held its latest meeting on 12th January 2018. The key topics and decisions discussed can be found in the Final Minutes here.  

Key items discussed include:

  • The Panel discussed concerns raised by the Testing Advisory Group (TAG) on the SMETS1 User Testing Services (UTS) Approach Document. The Panel agreed to revisit these concerns as part of the formal consultation on the SMETS1 UTS Approach Document.
  • The Panel were provided an update on the activities being undertaken by SECAS to support Suppliers completing the User Entry Process in advance of the minded to Non-Domestic Suppler User Mandate of 31st August 2018.
  • SECAS provided an overview of the responses received from the Release Management Documentation Consultation that was issued in December 2017. The Panel noted that a final version of the Policy would be provided at the February 2018 Panel meeting for approval

Security Sub-Committe (SSC)

In January 2018, there were three SSC meetings. In addition to reviewing Security Assessments for DCC Users, the SSC is engaging with the DCC on SMETS1 Security Architecture Documents and will provide comments to the DCC in the near future.

The SSC meet on the second and fourth Wednesday of every month. Further information about the SSC can be found here.


Modification Update

New SEC Modification Proposals

One new modification has been raised in January 2018, and it is due to be presented to the SEC Panel on 9th February 2018. More information is available here: SECMP 0045: Incorporation of the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulations.

SECAS presented the Initial Modification Report for SECMP0044 ‘User Security Assessment of a Shared Resource to the Panel at its January 2018 meeting. The Panel agreed for SECMP0044 to proceed into the Refinement Process.

If you would like to be involved in the refinement of SECMP0044, please contact SECAS on 020 7090 7755 or email


SEC Section D Workshop – RSVP by 6th February 2018

The SEC Panel have requested that SECAS perform a full review of SEC Section D to ensure SEC change occurs as efficiently as possible.

SECAS will be holding a workshop on Tuesday, 13th February 2018, to raise and discuss industry views, and where possible, consider any proposals for improving how change is progressed and/or delivered.

If you would like to attend this workshop, please email by 6th February 2018. If you are unable to attend the workshop, but would like to discuss any views on Section D, please let us know.


Modification Working Group Membership

SECAS is currently seeking additional Working Group members for the following Modifications in order to allow for them to be progressed:

If you would like to be involved in these or in any other Working Groups, please contact SECAS on 020 7090 7755 or email


Modifications Question Hour

The next Modifications’ Question Hour will be held at 11 am on Monday 5th February 2018. Further information, including the relevant teleconference details, can be found here.


Technical Architecture and Business Architecture Sub-Committee (TABASC)

The TABASC met on 18th January 2018 and the headlines can be found here. The main topics of discussion included:

  • The approaches for considering the completeness of its Risk Register covering the current architecture, future enduring releases and transitional releases.
  • The TABASC Effectiveness Review survey, where it was agreed to seek feedback from the Operations Group (which was established after they survey was originally developed). The feedback will be sought in advance of the survey being issued at the end of March 2018 to all Live DCC Users (subject to sufficient quantities of Smart Metering Systems being installed).

Testing Advisory Group (TAG)

A TAG workshop was held on 9th January 2018 to develop a list of overarching testing principles for the SMETS1 Services release as well as further discussions to determine whether exit criteria should be included in the User Interface Testing (UIT) Approach Document.

The TAG also met on 23rd January 2018 to primarily discuss the updated drafts of the Release 2.0 UIT Approach Document and the SMETS1 Services User Testing Services (UTS) Approach Document. Further updates are being made to the Release 2.0 UIT Approach Document before a recommendation is made to the Panel. Further revisions to the SMETS1 UTS Approach Document are also being made in advance of the document being subject to consultation.

Smart Metering Key Infrastructure (SMKI) Policy Management Authority (PMA) Update

The SMKI PMA met on 16th January 2018 and the headlines can be found here. The following topics were discussed:

  • The DCC provided the SMKI PMA with a verbal update regarding proving SMKI in the live environment. It was confirmed that for SMKI Recovery Testing 4 (SRT4) the main focus will be the unset recovery flag and that Parties selected to undergo this test will selected by the DCC.
  • The DCC informed the SMKI PMA that new key custodians were needed to replace those that had ceased to be key custodians. The DCC would be communicating to Parties via their Industry Partnership team to call for nominations to the role of SMKI Key Custodian.

Operations Group (Ops Group)

The Operations Group met on 23rd January 2018.

At that meeting, a DCC Operational Performance update was presented, and there was discussion of a number of regular DCC reports, including the DCC Quarterly Problem Report, December DCC Incident Reports, DCC Service Request Variance Report, and the DCC Responsible Communication Hubs Returns Report. Ops Group members were also requested to submit risks for inclusion on the Ops Group Risk Log in advance of the Ops Group Risk Workshop to be held in the coming months.

A link to the meeting headlines can be found here.

Recent Publications

DCC Consultation on SEC Appendices J and R

The DCC has released a consultation to invite views on the changes to SEC Appendix J – Enduring Test Approach Document and Appendix R – Common Test Scenarios Document. The two documents have been updated to reflect the requirements for DCC Release 2.0

The main change to Appendix J is that it has been updated to reflect the DCC using separate testing environments to support ‘fix and fail’ and development activities. The main change to Appendix R is that is has been updated to incorporate new Service Requests and Device and DCC Alerts for Release 2.0.

The consultation closes on 2nd February 2018 and can be read in full here.


Decision on SMETS1 and Advanced Meter Exception end-dates

On the 18th January 2018, the Smart Metering Implementation Programme (SMIP) Senior Responsible Officer (SRO) announced their decision in regards to the SMETS1 and Advanced Meter Exception (AME) end dates.

The SMETS1 end-date will now be Friday 5th October 2018. It is expected that all SMETS1 capable meters will be made compliant by this date.

The AME end-date will now also be Friday 5th October 2018.

Both the AME and SMETS1 end-dates are subject to similar considerations in regard to the readiness of SMETS2.

The SMIP SRO SMETS1 decision letter can be found here. The AME Direction letter can be found here. 


BEIS Consultation on incorporating SEC Variation Testing Approach Document (SVTAD) into the SEC for Release 2

On 30th January 2018 BEIS issued a consultation letter to Ofgem, the SEC Panel, SEC Parties and other interested parties seeking views on proposals to designate SVTAD v1.5 into the SEC.  The proposed designation date for the incorporation of this document into the SEC is 22 February 2018 or, if necessary, within one month thereafter.

The date for responses to this consultation is 13 February 2018. The consultation and relevant documentation can be found here.

SECAS Activities

Network Party Round Table Engagement Session – 20th February 2018

On Tuesday 20th February 2018, SECAS will be hosting a round-table engagement event to gather Network Parties for an open discussion about matters relevant to Network Operators. Space is limited, so booking is essential, with one place available per SEC Party.

If you wish to attend, please RSVP to as soon as possible.


SEC Parties and Accessions

Current SEC parties 284
Accession of new Parties to the SEC since last Newsletter 1
Parties withdrawing from the SEC 0
Expulsion of Parties from the SEC 0
Changes of SEC Panel Member employment Status

Upcoming SEC Calendar Dates

The dates for the February 2018 meetings of the SEC Panel and SEC Sub-Committees are below. More information on these meetings is available via the SEC Website Meeting Calendar. 

Date Meetings and Events
9th February 2018 SEC Panel meeting 53
9th February 2018 SECCo Ltd Board Meeting 53
13th February 2018 SEC Section D Workshop
14th February 2018 SSC Meeting 47
15th February 2018 TABASC meeting 27
20th February 2018 SMKI PMA Meeting 43
20th February 2018 Network Party Round Table Engagement Session
21st February 2018 TAG meeting 43
27th February 2018 Operations Group Meeting 05
28th February 2018 SSC Meeting 48