Change in SEC Party Details »

Change in SEC Party Details

How do I change my SEC Party Details?

You need to ensure that your SEC Party Details remain up-to-date (requirement of SEC Section M6.2), so that SECAS can keep you informed with relevant and important updates, including SEC Panel updates, engagement event invitations and SEC product releases.

To change your SEC Party Details, please submit an online ‘Change in Party Details’ form. A member of the SECAS Team will review the requested changes and will action them or request further information.

  • Please try to avoid providing your personal mobile numbers.
  • For a change in Primary Contact, the new Primary Contact should be a singular individual per SEC Party and their email address should not be a shared mailbox.

The form includes space to update your nominated contact details for Primary and Secondary SEC Contacts. These are not published. You can also provide your consent in the form for SECAS to share your form with the DCC and Alt HAN (for Suppliers).

If any changes need to be made to your nominated contacts, mailing list subscribers or in the following spreadsheets, please use the online form:

Change in SEC Party Details form Signer

Please ensure this form is electronically signed by an appropriately authorised officer of your company. That may be either the existing Primary Contact SECAS holds for your Party, or a Company Official registered with Companies House or equivalent company registration authority.