Change in SEC Party Details Form »

Change in SEC Party Details Form

SEC Party name

Contact Information

Mailing Lists

Please provide the email addresses of the individuals you would like to be added to the following SEC mailing lists. Please also state if there are any contacts that need to be removed from any mailing list. By providing your email address, you are consenting to being contacted to receive SEC related updates.
To receive SEC related updates, event invitations and important information.
To receive information regarding SEC Modifications, including Modification proposals, SEC Releases, updates to the Modifications register, Change Board updates, invitations to Modification Working groups etc.
To receive information regarding updates made to the CPL spreadsheet.

Nominated Contacts for the Operations Contact List

For Suppliers: The Operations Contact List is published on the SEC website. The information that you submit will be shared with all SEC Parties on the Managing Critical Alerts webpage. This information is NOT publicly accessible.

SEC Party Name Change

SEC Party Category

Energy Licence Information

Please note that if you hold an electricity / gas licence, it is obligatory as part of your licence conditions to become a DCC User unless the exemptions stated on the Becoming a DCC User webpage apply.

Company Address

Company Structure

Other Changes



The SEC Party hereby recognises that it is making changes to its Party Details, as per SEC Section M6.2.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.

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