MP194 Incorporation of Category 2 Issue Resolution Proposals into the SEC – Batch 7

Proposer Terry Jefferson
Lead Analyst SEC Change
Date raised 23/11/2021
Implementation date Targeted for 29/06/2023 (June 23 SEC Release)
Latest update The Technical Architecture and Business Architecture Sub-Committee (TABASC) disagreed that this solution resolved the issue. They also noted that the issue was not affecting SEC Parties and advised that it should be returned to TSIRS for further consideration. At the TSIRS meeting 10 February 2022 it was agreed that the IRP617 should be withdrawn. The Proposer therefore agreed to withdraw this modification.

What is the issue?

The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) currently has responsibility for receiving and responding to issues raised internally, by the DCC, and by other interested parties with regards the SEC Technical Specifications. Since its inception, several hundred issues have been raised through the Technical Specification Issue Resolution Sub-group (TSIRS). In some cases, these queries have been resolved by providing an explanation of the Specifications, whilst others have resulted in proposed amendments to the Specifications in the form of IRPs.

The one IRP included in this proposal requires changes to the Great Britain Companion Specification (GBCS).

What is the solution?

The TSIRS has determined the solution and has requested this be progressed as a Modification Proposal for implementation into the SEC. Implementation of this IRP will ensure Devices operate as they are intended.
The Data Communications Company (DCC) has performed an initial assessment of this IRP and considers this to be non-DCC System impacting but will require DCC System testing.

The Proposed Solution is to update the Great Britain Companion Specification (GBCS) Table clarify that the Event is created following the reception of a CCS01 Command.

Who is impacted?

Large Suppliers
Small Suppliers
Other SEC Parties

What SEC documents are affected?

Schedule 8 'GB Companion Specifications'
Schedule 11 ‘TS Applicability Tables’


23 Nov 2021
Draft Proposal raised
30 Nov 2021
Converted to Modification Proposal
16 Dec 2021
DCC Preliminary Assessment requested

Modification documents

MP194 Working Group summary - February 2022
MP194 DCC Preliminary Assessment
MP194 - IRP Details
DP194 Legal Text v0.1
MP194 Modification Report v0.2
No files
No files
No files
No files
No files

If you believe there is a problem with this modification, please let us know HERE.