SMKI Recovery Key Guidance

Has the meaning given to that expression in Section L10.9 (The SMKI Recovery Key Guidance).

For the purposes of this Section L10, the “SMKI Recovery Key Guidance” shall be a document of that
name which makes such provision as is appropriate, in relation to any incident in which a Relevant
Private Key is (or is suspected of being) Compromised, for any one or more of the following:
(a) any factors which shall be taken into account by the SMKI PMA in deciding whether or not to
require the use of the Recovery Private Key or Contingency Private Key (including the Symmetric
(b) any other factors which may in particular be taken into account by the SMKI PMA for the purposes
of that decision;
(c) any weighting or order of priority which shall, or may, be given by the SMKI PMA to any of the
factors referred to in paragraphs (a) and (b); and
(d) any criteria that are to be applied by the SMKI PMA, any approach that is to be followed by it, or any
steps that are to be taken by it, prior to making a decision whether or not to require the use of the
Recovery Private Key or Contingency Private Key (including the Symmetric Key).

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