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Is there a Plain English description of CPL Meter Model entries?

The SEC has a required format in which to describe Electricity Smart Metering Equipment (ESME) and Gas Smart Metering Equipment (GSME) Meter Models in the CPL, which can be difficult to understand.  SECAS supports the UK Metering Forum (UKMF) to maintain a mapping spreadsheet which helps SEC Parties understand the CPL Meter Model entries. The spreadsheet maps ESME and GSME Meter Models hardware entries contained in the CPL in the SEC required format (hexadecimal), to an industry wide understood ‘Plain English’ description.

The CPL Meter Model mapping to Plain English descriptions spreadsheet contains four tabs:

  • Version Control – details a history of changes made between versions
  • SMETS2 Meter Model Mapping – maps SMETS2 CPL Meter Model hardware entries to a Plain English description
  • SMETS1 Meter Model Mapping – maps SMETS1 CPL Meter Model hardware entries to a Plain English description
  • Zigbee Manufacturer Codes – a listing of Device Manufacturers and their associated ZigBee Manufacturer Codes.

You can view the spreadsheet here.

The Firmware Information Repository (FIR)

SEC Parties can use the FIR to find the relevant Meter Manufacturer to contact regarding the latest firmware on a Device, following an update to the CPL.

SECAS produce the FIR using the details that a submitter provides on the ‘CPL – New Entry form’ for Electricity Smart Metering Equipment (ESME) and Gas Smart Metering Equipment (GSME) Devices only.

SEC Parties can download the FIR here.

How can I submit a Device Model?

Please read our submission guidance document available here. If you have a Device Model that you would like to add to the CPL, please complete the form in the Live Workbook under the tab ‘CPL – New Entry’. The form provides guidance on each field and the required format that you will need to use. Validation rules are applied to prevent invalid entries being submitted.

The applicable versions of the Technical Specifications and Great Britain Companion Specification (GBCS) must be specified as part of completing the CPL – New Entry form. For more information about interactions between different versions of the Technical Specifications and the CPL please read the guidance here.

Please email your completed form to the SECAS Helpdesk, along with all required Assurance Certificates and any additional supporting evidence or Release Notes.

We will process your submission within one Working Day of receipt (provided it is a valid submission).

If you have any questions please contact the SECAS Helpdesk.

How can I view the CPL?

You can view the CPL Live Workbook here. It contains a number of tabs:

  • Version Control – details a history of changes made between versions.
  • CPL New Entry – the submission form that a submitter must complete and provide to SECAS.
  • Central Products List – provides the list of the added and removed Device Models.
  • CPL saveable in CSV – provides the same list as the CPL, but in a format for the DCC to manage its Smart Meter Inventory.

Please note, once a new version of the CPL is published, there may be a delay for those changes to be reflected into the DCC Smart Meter Inventory. This is because the DCC has up to 24 hours to make the relevant modifications.