MP213 Updating MPxN in the Smart Metering Inventory

Proposer Michael Wallace
Lead Analyst SEC Change
Date raised 09/08/2022
Implementation date N/A
Latest update Upon DCC reviewing the proposal and assessing its impact and how benefits could be realised, it appears that the change would be more impactful that was originally anticipated, and making changes at this time would be costly. It does not believe progressing with it would be in User’s interest. The Proposer notified SECAS on 13 Oct 2022 of their intention to withdraw this modification. This modification has now been withdrawn.

What is the issue?

Currently, if a SEC Party identifies an issue with the data held within the SMI, it must raise a SR 8.4 to resolve the issue identified. If the SR 8.4 is unsuccessful then the SEC Party must raise an incident ticket via the SSI. This incident ticket notifies the DCC Service Centre, which will then take the necessary steps to track and remedy the data issue, following the procedure stated under SEC Appendix AG 'Incident Management Policy’. These require multiple people to work on resolving tasks in a linear process until all tasks are complete, at which point the incident can be marked as ‘resolved’.

What is the solution?

An alternative is for the SEC Party to raise a ‘Service Management Service Request’ or a ‘ticket’ via the SSI instead of an Incident. This will notify the DCC Service Centre of the issue, and a much quicker resolution can be sought as the Incident Management process does not need to be followed. This alternative would allow a simpler and speedier resolution to the initial problem.

Who is impacted?

SEC Parties
Large Suppliers
Small Suppliers
Network Parties

What SEC documents are affected?

SEC Appendix AG 'Incident Management Policy'


09 Aug 2022
Draft Proposal raised
16 Aug 2022
Presented to CSC for initial comment
16 Aug 2022
CSC converted Draft Proposal to Modification Proposal
07 Sep 2022
Modification discussed with Working Group
13 Oct 2022
Modification withdrawn

Modification documents

MP213 Working Group meeting summary - September 2022
DP213 Modification report v0.1
No files
No files
No files
No files
No files

If you believe there is a problem with this modification, please let us know HERE.