DP238 TSAT Expired Communication Hubs

Proposer David Rollason (DCC)
Lead Analyst Mohammedanwar Sumro
Date raised 14/03/2023
StageDevelopment Stage
Implementation date TBC
Latest update This modification is currently on hold until MP252 'Amending the process for Communications Hub returns' has an agreed solution.

What is the issue?

Communications Hubs must be installed before the relevant Installation end date as recorded in SEC Schedule 11 ‘Technical Specification Applicability Tables’ (TSAT). Where a Communications Hubs is not installed before the end date it should be returned to the DCC. The DCC will then try to refurbish that Communications Hub for redeployment. If it is not able to do so, then the Communications Hub will be reported lost or stolen. Parties are charged for these services by DCC once the outcome of a refurbishment attempt is known. The charges are: £8.27 for a Communications Hub that can be redeployed, or £30.87 for a Single Band and £58.75 for a Dual Band Communications Hub that is returned but cannot be redeployed. If a Communications Hub is not returned, the responsible Party continues to be charged the pre-installation Communication stock level charge on the Device indefinitely.

What is the solution?


Who is impacted?

Large Suppliers
Small Suppliers

What SEC documents are affected?

Schedule 11 ‘Technical Specification Applicability Tables’ (TSAT)

Modification documents

DP238 Working Group summary - July 2023
DP238 Modification Report v0.2
No files
No files
No files
No files
No files

If you believe there is a problem with this modification, please let us know HERE.