MP081 Alignment of DUIS and CHISM to reflect current DCC Processing

Proposer Helen Metcalfe
Lead Analyst SEC Change
Date raised 06/08/2019
Implementation date 29/11/2020 (Nov 20 SEC Release)
Latest update This modification was implemented on 29 November 2020 as part of the November 2020 SEC Release.

What is the issue?

The DCC Design Release Forum and an internal DCC review identified a need to include clarification in the SEC around DCC processing. This clarification should provide a detailed explanation of current DCC processing and align the SEC to reflect this. The DCC is concerned that points of detail, not currently explained, could adversely affect User understanding of DCC Systems. If not amended, this is likely to lead to DCC Incidents which could otherwise be avoided.

What is the solution?

The proposed solution is to align the SEC to accurately reflect the DCC processing. The need for clarification of the DCC processing description has been identified in two SEC Appendices: Appendix I ‘CH Installation and Maintenance Support Materials’ (CHISM) and Appendix AD ‘DCC User Interface Specification’ (DUIS).

Who is impacted?

No Parties impacted

What SEC documents are affected?

Appendix I ‘CH Installation and Maintenance Support Materials'
Appendix AD ‘DCC User Interface Specification’

Modification documents

Ofgem Decision Letter on Change of Implementation Date for MP081
Request to change the implementation date for MP081
MP081 Change Board vote
MP081 Modification Report
MP081 Modification Report Consultation responses
MP081 Modification Report Consultation
DP081 Industry Comments
DP081 Problem Statement
No files
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If you believe there is a problem with this modification, please let us know HERE.