SEC v59.0 released to implement MP201

24 March 2022

An updated version of the SEC came into effect on 24 March 2022 to implement MP201 ‘CHTS v1.1 and GBCS v2.0 Applicability End Date’.

MP201 extends the Applicability Period End Date for Communications Hub Technical Specifications (CHTS) v1.1 and GB Companion Specification (GBCS) v2.0 by 18 months to 28 August 2023. In addition, an incorrect cross reference in the SEC Section A ‘Definitions and Interpretation’ definition of Applicability Period has been updated.


What parts of the SEC were affected?

The following parts of the SEC were affected:

  • SEC Section A ‘Definitions and Interpretation’
  • SEC Schedule 11 ‘TS Applicability Tables’


Where can I access the redlining?

The redlined changes can be found on CodeWorks via the links below:


Our Document Log lists the versions of each SEC document now in effect following this release.

You can download the individual SEC documents from the SEC and Supporting Documents section of our website or via CodeWorks.


Where can I find further information?

Further information can be found on the MP201 page of our website. If you have any questions, you can call the SECAS Helpdesk at 020 7090 7755 or email