MP128B Incorrect Gas Network Operator Certificates

Proposer Earl Richards
Lead Analyst SEC Change
Date raised 21/09/2021
Implementation date 11 November 2021 (ad hoc SEC Release)
Latest update This modification was split on 21 September 2021. MP128B was implemented on 11 November 2021 in an ad hoc SEC Release.

What is the issue?

The SEC does not require Gas Network Operators to become DCC Users. Several Gas Network Operators who do not wish to be DCC Users have experienced difficulty and disproportionate costs in obtaining SMKI Organisation Certificates and see no benefit to their organisations or wider smart metering by being compelled to make their SMKI Organisation Certificate available in the SMKI Repository.

Also, once a Network Operator Certificate is placed on a Device, it can only be changed by the Network Operator for the given Certificate and only if the Network Operator is a DCC User. This is particularly relevant where Network Parties have changed organisation, with the incoming organisation unable to update the associated Organisation Certificate.

What is the solution?

The original modification MP128 has been split into two parts. The Proposed Solution to this MP128B ‘Incorrect Gas Network Operator Certificates’ is that the Post Commissioning obligations be amended so that Suppliers can leave the Access Control Broker (ACB) Certificate in the GNO slot of the Gas Proxy Function (GPF). It will also be optional instead of mandatory for GNOs to become Subscribers for SMKI Organisation Certificates.

Who is impacted?

Large Suppliers
Small Suppliers
Gas Network Operators
Meter Installers
Device Manufacturers

What SEC documents are affected?

SEC Section B ‘Accession’
SEC Appendix AC ‘Inventory, Enrolment and Decommissioning Procedures’

Modification documents

MP128B Conclusions Report
MP128B Business Requirements v1.0
MP128B Legal Text v1.0
MP128B Modification Report Consultation
MP128B Modification Report v1.0
MP128 Refinement Consultation Responses
No files
No files
No files
No files
No files

If you believe there is a problem with this modification, please let us know HERE.