MP187 Incorporation of Target Round Trip Times and Target Success Rates into the SEC

Proposer Katie Taaffe (DCC)
Lead Analyst SEC Change
Date raised 02/11/2021
Implementation date Unknown
Latest update Following the approval of MP242 at Change Board 27 March 2024, the Proposer has decided to withdraw the Modification Proposal because it is no longer needed.

What is the issue?

As part of the MP122A solution (implemented as part of the February 2021 SEC Release), new SRV metrics reporting has been introduced. These reports measure RTTs but are then compared to the TRTs, as listed within the SEC. The DCC has advised, through the OPR Working Group , that to report on TRTs in real-time and at an SRV level would cost around £3.5m-£5m. OPR Working Group members were unsupportive of this approach.

For DCC-only performance metrics there are the TRTs as defined in SEC Appendix E and adopted into contracts with the DCC’s Service Providers. However, to create incentives against SEC Party metrics, target RTTs and target Success Rates are required. The DCC is raising this SEC Modification to develop and define these targets, and thus incorporate them into the SEC.

Who is impacted?


Modification documents

MP187 May 2022 Working Group summary
MP187 February 2022 Working Group summary
MP187 Modification Report v0.3
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No files

If you believe there is a problem with this modification, please let us know HERE.