MP182 Improving Transparency of Election Results

Proposer Eric Taylor
Lead Analyst SEC Change
Date raised 17/09/2021
Implementation date Targeted for 29/06/2022 (June 22 SEC Release)
Latest update This modification is has been withdrawn as a solution has been found that has been implemented without impacting the SEC. The number of votes received per candidate will not be actively published but will now be made available upon request. Any SEC Party can request a breakdown of results following any SEC election.

What is the issue?

In a Panel or Sub-Committee election, where more nominations are received for candidates than there are seats available in that SEC Party Category, SEC Parties in that category will be invited to vote for their preferred candidate. The outcome of this vote is published, but the detailed breakdown of votes is not.

The Proposer believes that the secrecy of election results is at odds with conventional transparency and normal practice in free and fair elections. Keeping such information a secret could create a negative impression and be seen to dissuade SEC Parties from engagement and participation.

What is the solution?

The solution is to place an obligation on SECAS to publish the number of votes received against each candidate in an election.

Who is impacted?

Large Suppliers
Small Suppliers
Electricity Network Parties
Gas Network Parties
Other SEC Parties

What SEC documents are affected?

Section C 'Governance'


17 Sep 2021
Draft Proposal raised
30 Nov 2021
Converted to Modification Proposal

Modification documents

MP182 Modification Report v0.4
MP182 Refinement Consultation Responses
MP182 Legal text v0.1
MP182 Refinement Consultation
MP182 Working Group summary - February 2022
MP182 Business Requirements
No files
No files
No files
No files
No files

If you believe there is a problem with this modification, please let us know HERE.