SECMP0003 Deficiencies in the Service Request for setting Maximum Demand Configurable Time

Proposer Graham Smith
Lead Analyst SEC Change
Date raised 26/02/2016
Implementation date 29/06/2017
Latest update On the 28th October 2016, the Proposer stated their wish to withdraw SECMP0003. This was due to the cited costs to make the change and, due to the modification’s likely implementation date, the reduced number of meters that will be mandated to support the proposed new Service Request. As a result, the Proposer could not identify benefits that would justify the cost.

What is the issue?

ENOs would need to send over 30 service requests per device per year when it requires weekday maximum demand values within a period of time. Over a year this would add up to an estimated one billion messages being sent for this specific service request. This is an inefficient use of the DCC Systems where fewer request could be used to achieve the same outcome.

What is the solution?

This proposal suggests amendments to the DCC User Interface Specification (DUIS) service request 6.18.1 to align with the Great Britain Companion Specification (GBCS). This will enable an Electricity Network Operator (ENO) to use one service request per year to specify the date range, time range and days of the week, during which the Maximum Demand Configurable Time Period Value should be recorded.

Who is impacted?

Electricity Network Parties

What SEC documents are affected?

SEC Schedule 8 'Great Britain Companion Specification'
SEC Schedule 9 'Smart Metering Equipment Technical Specification'
SEC Appendix AD 'DCC User Interface Specification'

Modification documents

SECMP0003 - Working Group Meeting 5 - Final Minutes
SECMP0003 - Working Group Meeting 4 - Final Minutes
SECMP0003 - Working Group Meeting 3 - Final Minutes
SECMP0003 - Working Group Meeting 2 - Final Minutes
SECMP0003 - Working Group Meeting 1 - Final Minutes
SECMP0003 - DCC Preliminary Assessment
SECMP0003 -Solution Design Document v2
SECMP0003 - Initial Modification Report
SECMP0003 - Modification Proposal Form
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If you believe there is a problem with this modification, please let us know HERE.