MP115 Changes to the NCSC Good Practice Guides

Proposer Gordon Hextall
Lead Analyst SEC Change
Date raised 11/02/2020
Implementation date 29/11/2020 (Nov 20 SEC Release)
Latest update This modification was implemented on 29 November 2020 as part of the November 2020 SEC Release.

What is the issue?

A SECAS review of the SMKI Document Set has found that it contains several references to Good Practice Guides (GPGs) that have been discontinued and will not be replaced. The SMKI PMA wishes to address this by aligning the SEC with these changes and by making available authorised replacement SMKI PMA guidance.

In addition, the Proposer notes that the SEC contains no provisions for updated or replacement standards, procedures and guidelines in relation to the SMKI Document Set. Furthermore, the SEC is silent on the provisions for transitional periods for standards, procedures and guidelines in relation to the SMKI Document Set.

What is the solution?

The SMKI PMA have agreed to adopt bespoke guidance based on the GPGs and other available guidance, but focussed on the smart metering context. This modification will need to amend all the GPG references to e.g. 'SMKI PMA Good Practice Guidance that is published on the SEC website'. This approach would minimise the potential for confusion. Furthermore, this would give clarity, including for GPG 13, that no further Draft Proposal is required if the SMKI PMA change the guidance in the future.

In addition, the Proposer wishes to include provisions for updated or replacement standards, procedures and guidelines in relation to the SMKI Document Set in the SEC. This is also the case for the transitional periods for such documents. This would remove ambiguity and facilitate the efficient implementation of this Code by giving Parties a transitional period to comply with any updated or replacement guidance in relation to the SMKI Document Set.

Who is impacted?

Large Suppliers
Small Suppliers
Electricity Network Operators
Gas Network Operators
Other SEC Parties

What SEC documents are affected?

Section A 'Definitions and Interpretation'
Section G 'Security'
Section L 'Smart Metering Key Infrastructure and DCC Key Infrastructure'
Appendix A 'Device Certificate Policy'
Appendix B 'Organisation Certificate Policy'
Appendix D 'SMKI Registration Authority Policies and Procedures'
Appendix L 'SMKI Recovery Procedure'
Appendix Q 'IKI Certificate Policy'


11 Feb 2020
Draft Proposal raised
13 Mar 2020
Converted to Modification Proposal
20 Apr 2020
11 May 2020
27 May 2020
Change Board vote

Modification documents

MP115 Conclusions Report v1.0
MP115 Modification Report responses
MP115 Modification Report Consultation
MP115 legal text v1.0
MP115 Modification Report v1.0
No files
No files
No files
No files
No files

If you believe there is a problem with this modification, please let us know HERE.