Threshold Anomaly Detection

Means the DCC processes which:
(a) in respect of any User ID used by a User in one or more of its User Roles, detect whether the total number of communications (in general or of a particular type) sent, received or processed by the DCC in relation to that User ID exceeds the relevant Anomaly Detection Threshold;
(b) in respect of the DCC (including when acting as a DCO or a SMETS1 Service Provider), detect whether:
(i) the total number of communications of a particular type generated, sent, received or processed by the DCC in relation to all Users and the CoS Party exceeds the relevant Anomaly Detection Threshold; and
(ii) a data value within a communication of a particular type sent, received or processed by the DCC in relation to a User exceeds or is less than the relevant Anomaly Detection Threshold; and
(c) (other than in the case of Threshold Anomaly Detection applied by a DCO) quarantine those communications that, in the case of paragraph (a) or (b)(i) above, are in excess of the relevant Anomaly Detection Threshold or, in the case of paragraph (b)(ii) above, contain a data value that exceeds or is less than the relevant Anomaly Detection Threshold.

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