Smart Metering Inventory [SMI]

Means an electronic database of Devices which records (as a minimum) the following information in respect of each Device:
(a) its Device Type;
(b) its Device ID;
(c) its Device Model (provided that no firmware version is needed for Type 2 Devices);
(d) for Devices other than Type 2 Devices, its SMI Status, and the date from which that status has applied;
(e) for Devices other than Type 2 Devices, its SMI Status history;
(f) where it is a Smart Meter which has been installed, the related MPAN or MPRN and the Communications Hub Function with which that Smart Meter is associated; and
(g) where it is a Device (other than a Smart Meter or a Communications Hub Function), the Smart Meter or Gas Proxy Function with which that Device is associated.

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