MP103 DCC SOC2 Assessments Refinement Consultation (Closing Date: 1 June 2020)

MP103 DCC SOC2 Assessments Refinement Consultation

The SEC Change Team are consulting on proposed changes to the legal text in SEC Section G which would enable the DCC to make necessary changes to replace Systems Organisation Controls 2 (SOC2) assessment. The key aim is for the legal text in SEC Section G8 which relate to the assessment of a DCC User, to be translated into G9 for the DCC. This will allow the DCC to tender for a DCC Security Assessment Service Provider to assess them against a framework that will developed by the SSC with input from the assessor.

Who should respond?

  • Stakeholders
  • Those interested in the Systems Organisation Controls 2 and SEC Section G

Related Documents

Please find the consultation document and response form here.

How to respond

Please email the completed response form to with the subject line ‘MP103 Refinement Consultation response’ by 5pm 1 June 2020.