Modification Report Consultation – MP080 ‘Managing DUIS uplifts’ (Closing Date: 11 May 2020)

MP080 ‘Managing DUIS uplifts’

The DCC User Interface Specification (DUIS) is contained in Smart Energy Code (SEC) Appendix AD. It sets out the technical details for how Users send and receive data from the DCC. Currently, no versions of the DUIS have designated start or end dates. This means there are multiple versions of the DUIS existing. These can’t be removed from the SEC due to Users still currently using the earlier versions. This results in the DCC having to maintain the historical versions and expend additional testing costs against these. Additionally, only versions of DUIS v3.0 and higher can support both Smart Metering Equipment Technical Specification (SMETS) 1 and SMETS2 meters, meaning that in the event of a Change of Supplier (CoS), a SMETS1 meter could lose “smart” functionality.

Who should respond?

  • Large Suppliers
  • Small Suppliers
  • Electricity Network Parties
  • Gas Network Parties
  • Other SEC Parties

Related Documents

The consultation documents can be found here.

How to respond

Please send your responses to by 5pm on 11 May 2020.