Is there a Plain English description of CPL Meter Model entries?

The SEC has a required format in which to describe Electricity Smart Metering Equipment (ESME) and Gas Smart Metering Equipment (GSME) Meter Models in the CPL, which can be difficult to understand.  SECAS supports the UK Metering Forum (UKMF) to maintain a mapping spreadsheet which helps SEC Parties understand the CPL Meter Model entries. The spreadsheet maps ESME and GSME Meter Models hardware entries contained in the CPL in the SEC required format (hexadecimal), to an industry wide understood ‘Plain English’ description.

The CPL Meter Model mapping to Plain English descriptions spreadsheet contains four tabs:

  • Version Control – details a history of changes made between versions
  • SMETS2 Meter Model Mapping – maps SMETS2 CPL Meter Model hardware entries to a Plain English description
  • SMETS1 Meter Model Mapping – maps SMETS1 CPL Meter Model hardware entries to a Plain English description
  • Zigbee Manufacturer Codes – a listing of Device Manufacturers and their associated ZigBee Manufacturer Codes.

You can view the spreadsheet here.