Q2) Does the Panel think the SEC change process is working well – and if not why?

Please refer to the response provided to Question 1 above.

The Panel believes that the underlying framework is effective, however has expressed some disappointment regarding the timescales for delivery of DCC Assessments and the cost of change are falling short of expectations.

The wider BEIS-led projects such as Release 2.0 and SMETS1 Enrolment and Adoption have also contributed to delays, impacting both the DCC’s ability to complete Assessments and the time it takes to implement changes. The Panel also schedules SEC Releases to avoid overloading Parties with too much change.

The Panel recognises the frustrations of Parties and is working to ensure the Modifications Process is effective and allows for change to be progressed. The Panel has been fully engaged and supportive of the initiatives SECAS has developed and implemented over the last 12 months, in order to improve the SEC Modifications Process and ensure it is delivering an effective mechanism for change.