Ofgem »

SEC v62.0 released to implement MP200

An updated version of the SEC came into effect on 18 July 2022 to implement MP200 ‘Faster Switching consequential changes to the SEC’.

MP200 is an Authority-Led Variation implemented as part of Ofgem’s Faster Switching Programme. Several SEC Sections and Appendices have been amended in order to facilitate the go-live of the Centralised Switching Service (CSS). These changes have been deemed as consequential changes that have minor, if any, impacts on SEC Parties.

By implementing the consequential changes to the SEC and to other industry Codes, consumers will be able to realise the benefits from Ofgem’s Faster Switching Programme.


What parts of the SEC were affected?

The following parts of the SEC were affected:

  • SEC Section A ‘Definitions and Interpretation’
  • SEC Section E ‘Registration Data’
  • Section G ‘Security’
  • Section H ‘DCC Services’
  • Section K ‘Charging Methodology’
  • Section L ‘Smart Metering Key Infrastructure and DCC Key Infrastructure’
  • Section P ‘Production Proving’
  • Appendix X ‘Registration Data Interface Specification’
  • Appendix Y ‘Registration Data Interface Code of Connection’
  • Appendix AG ‘Incident Management Policy’
  • Appendix AL ‘SMETS1 Transition and Migration Approach Document’


Where can I access the redlining?

The redlined changes can be found on CodeWorks via the links below:


Our Document Log lists the versions of each SEC document now in effect following this release.

You can download the individual SEC documents from the SEC and Supporting Documents section of our website or via CodeWorks.


Where can I find further information?

Further information can be found on the MP200 page of our website. If you have any questions, you can call the SECAS Helpdesk at 020 7090 7755 or email sec.change@gemserv.com.

Update on the consequential SEC changes from Ofgem’s Switching Programme

9 October 2019

We published an initial draft of the consequential changes that Ofgem’s Switching Programme would have on the SEC in August. Since then, the design of the DCC interfaces has become clearer.

The high-level concept of obligations being removed from Registered Data Providers (RDPs) and placed on the Central Switching Service (CSS) remains unchanged. However, there is now further detail on how this will be accomplished. As such the draft text has been updated to reflect how the DCC will use certificates and other Smart Metering Key Infrastructure (SMKI) provisions. Additionally, a new section on transitional arrangements has been included in Section E ‘Registration Data’ to allow for flexibility over the implementation approach.

The text is still in a draft state, but we welcome any feedback before these documents are included in Ofgem’s Autumn consultation. The file is available to download here, and is also available on the Consequential changes of the Ofgem Switching Programme page of our website. If you have any comments, please send them to us at sec.change@gemserv.com by 25 October 2019.