SECMP0014 Standardise Formatting of Device ID

Proposer Andy Beggs
Lead Analyst SEC Change
Date raised 27/05/2016
Implementation date N/A
Latest update This Modification was withdrawn on 08 December 2016.

What is the issue?

Device ID to be formatted to a common standard so that the type of device (covering ESME, GSME, CHF, GPF, PPMID, HCALC, TYPE2, and with a placeholder for a future category) is included within the EUI-64 identifier. With the EUI-64 identifier provided in EAN 128 barcode format, this allows the installer and supply chain logistic solutions to derive the device type when scanned, and so automate workflow and triggering service requests, removing risk of human error.

On the 8th of August 2016, the Proposer stated they want to withdraw the Modification Proposal (in accordance with the Right to Withdraw provisions in SEC Section D5.1.).

The Proposer noted three reasons for the withdrawal, summarised below:

  • It was seen as adding limited value given that Suppliers would know in advance the mapping of EUI-64 to device type, since all devices have to be pre-notified to the Smart Meter Inventory before they are installed.

  • It may lead to breaches of the IEEE obligation that EUI-64 number ranges are 95% used before requesting a new range

  • There are concerns that existing supply chain arrangements would be put at risk if Suppliers and Manufacturers had agreements to use IEEE addresses for different purposes

No SEC Parties expressed their intent to adopt SECMP0014, in accordance with SEC Section D5.4, and so the Modification Proposal was withdrawn.

What is the solution?

The proposer suggests standardising the format of the Device ID to be displayed on the faceplate.
The proposed format is as follows:

Company_id: 24-BITs
Type_id: 8-Bits split between type_category and category_variant
Extention_id: 32-BITs

Who is impacted?

This Modification will impact all Device and Communication Hub Manufacturers.

Modification documents

SECMP0014 - Working Group Meeting 4 - Final Minutes
SECMP0014 Initial Modification Report
SECMP0014 Initial Modification Report
SECMP0014 - Modification Proposal Form
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If you believe there is a problem with this modification, please let us know HERE.