SECMP0022 Expanding SMKI PMA membership and removing Alternate restrictions

Proposer Gordon Hextall
Lead Analyst SEC Change
Date raised 03/10/2016
Implementation date 14/12/2016
Latest update This Modification was implemented on 14 December 2016.

What is the issue?

This Modification Proposal seeks to alter the current Smart Metering Key Infrastructure Policy Management Authority (SMKI PMA) membership in order to take account of its operational responsibilities, and to mitigate against the risk that a meeting is not quorate. This Modification Proposal also seeks to remove the restriction on SMKI PMA Members which prohibits each SMKI PMA Member from nominating an Alternate from the same organisation that employs them.

What is the solution?

SECMP0022 proposes updating the SMKI PMA’s membership structure to add 1 Large Supplier seat, 1 Network seat (so as to have both an Electricity and Gas Members) and 1 SMKI PMA Specialist who would become a voting Member.
Finally, the appointment of SMKI PMA Alternates would be brought in line with that of the other SEC Panel Sub-Committees and allow for SMKI PMA Alternates to be employees of the same organisation as the SMKI PMA Member who appointed them.

Who is impacted?

This Modification will have no impact on parties.

What SEC documents are affected?

SEC Section Section L 'Smart Metering Key Infrastructure'

Modification documents

SECMP0022 - FMR Attachment C - Change Board vote outcome v1.0
SECMP0022 - Final Modification Report (Post CB vote) v1.0
SECMP0022 - FMR Attachment B - Consultation Responses v1.0
SECMP0022 - Final Modification Report v1.0
SECMP0022 - FMR Attachment A - Legal Text v1.0
SECMP0022 Attachment B - consultation response form v1
SECMP0022 Attachment A - Legal Text v1
SECMP0022 - Modification Report v1
SECMP0022 - Initial Modification Report v1
Attachment A - SECMP0022 – Legal Text
SECMP0022 - Modification Proposal Form
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If you believe there is a problem with this modification, please let us know HERE.