DP132 DLMS references in GBCS

Proposer Tony Pile
Lead Analyst SEC Change
Date raised 21/05/2020
Implementation date Unknown
Latest update On 17 June 2020, the Proposer stated that they have decided to withdraw the Draft Proposal, in accordance with the Right to Withdraw provisions in SEC Section D5.1. In accordance with SEC Section D5.4, this Draft Proposal has now been withdrawn.

What is the issue?

The latest version of the DLMS Yellow Book (DLMS UA 1001-1 Ed. 6.1 V 1.1; released 2020-03-03) states that the results from CTT version 3.0 are no longer acceptable for certification purposes.

The Revision History of the Yellow Books states
(a) for Edition 6.1:
‘Updated to be in line with:
- DLMS UA 1000-1 (Blue Book) Edition 12.2;
- DLMS UA 1000-2 (Green Book) Edition 8.3;
- CTT 3.0 and CTT 3.1 Packages 1-3’
(b) for Edition 6.1 V1.1:
‘Updated to explain sunset of CTT 3.0.’

SECAS has the obligation to verify the Device certificates prior to adding a Devices to the CPL. The changes to the Yellow Book mean that going forward Devices can only be added to the CPL if the DLMS certification testing has been carried out using CTT3.1. Only devices that have been tested prior to the release of the Yellow Book Edition 6.1 V1.1 may use CTT3.0 based certificates.

The technical specifications for the GB Smart Metering Programme don’t refer to the Yellow Book; but GBCS contains references to DLMS specifications:
- Green Book (DLMS UA 1000-2 Ed. 8)
- Blue Book (DLMS UA 1000-1 Ed. 12.0).

GBCS lists earlier versions of the DLMS specifications compared to those listed in the DLMS Yellow Book Edition 6.1 V1.1. This could lead to confusion about the standards being used for testing vs. the implementation in the devices.

The DLMS User Association have confirmed to BEIS that none of the changes to the Green, Blue or Yellow books affect the Smart Metering Programme. BEIS confirmed that all the editions of the books have backwards compatibility and therefore the references within GBCS will still be valid; these references in GBCS only need to be updated if changes made by the DLMS UA result in a lack of backwards compatibility.

The Proposer decided to withdraw this modification following discussion with BEIS and SECAS and comments from DCC that this change was not necessary.

What SEC documents are affected?

On 17 June 2020, the Proposer stated that they have decided to withdraw the Draft Proposal, in accordance with the Right to Withdraw provisions in SEC Section D5.1.

In accordance with SEC Section D5.4, any SEC Party may adopt this Draft Proposal by notifying SECAS within 10 Working Days. If you wish to adopt this modification, please reply to this email expressing your intent to do so by 5pm on Wednesday 1 July 2020.

If no such requests have been received by this time, this Draft Proposal will be confirmed as withdrawn and marked as closed.


21 May 2020
Draft Proposal Raised
17 Jun 2020
Proposer nofied SECAS of intention to withdraw

Modification documents

DP132 Modification Report v0.2
No files
No files
No files
No files
No files

If you believe there is a problem with this modification, please let us know HERE.