Support the review of SEC Section D ‘Modification Process’ – Request For Information

21 October 2020

We are undertaking a review of the end-to-end modification process and we invite you to respond to our Request For Information (RFI) here.


Improvements made by the previous Section D review

SECAS carried out a review of the SEC modifications process in early 2018 which resulted in three modifications being raised and implemented:


Why are we carrying out another review of Section D?

We want to further streamline the modifications process. The Working Group assessing these modifications recommended that a review should be carried out a year following SECMP0049’s implementation. This would assess if the new arrangements were having the desired effect and whether further changes are needed.

Since SECMP0049 was implemented in March 2019, we have continued to explore ways to further streamline the process. In agreement with the SEC Panel, we have been trialling some new ways of working during this time, before updating Section D. We have also been working with the Data Communications Company (DCC) to improve how it inputs and engages with modifications.

The Panel agreed for SECAS to initiate a further review of Section D on 16 October 2020. As part of the first stage of this review, we are seeking feedback from SEC Parties on the current modifications framework.

We invite you to respond to this RFI to help us understand your views. Your responses will help us develop enhancements to the framework in the next stage. Later in this review, we will be holding an industry workshop to discuss and refine our proposed enhancements, before issuing an industry consultation to seek your views.


What is the scope of the review?

We are performing a review of the end-to-end modification process, from initiation to implementation, to understand where and how we can continue to streamline the process.

We have identified several areas and questions, which are summarised at a high-level within the RFI document. More detail on each area is included in the document, along with the questions for you to provide your views.


How can I respond to this RFI?

You can download this Request for Information here.

We invite you to respond by using the response form included in the Request for Information by 5pm on Friday 13 November 2020. Please send your response titled ‘SEC Section D review RFI response’ to

If you have any questions, please contact a member of the team on 020 7090 7755 or by email at