Second iteration of the TABASC Effectiveness Review questionnaire has been issued – response invited by 12th October 2018

14 September 2018

The Effectiveness Review

The Smart Energy Code (SEC) Sections F1.4 (e), (f) and (g) set out the requirements for the Technical Architecture and Business Architecture Sub-Committee (TABASC), when directed to do so by the Panel, to review the effectiveness of the End-to-End Technical Architecture, Business Architecture and the HAN requirements.

Second iteration of the Effectiveness Review questionnaire

The TABASC is engaging with SEC Parties and DCC Users, with a focus on operational DCC Users or those undergoing the User Entry Process. This is the second iteration of the review. The questionnaire findings will help inform whether further investigation is required.

This confidential questionnaire has been issued to SEC Parties. The findings will be shared with the SEC Panel and its Sub-Committees only to inform whether further work is required in relation to the effectiveness of the of the Technical Architecture, Business Architecture, HAN requirements and any operational issues affecting the User experience with the End-to-End processes including those managed and provided by the DCC.

How to respond

The second iteration of the Effectiveness Review questionnaire is issued online via the Survey Monkey platform and can be accessed using the following link: Second iteration of the TABASC Effectiveness Review Questionnaire

A link to the questionnaire has also been issued via email to all SEC Parties.

One questionnaire response is requested per organisation. Each organisation response should include feedback from the technical and operational aspects of each organisation.

Please submit a response from your organisation by close of play on 12th October 2018.

Supporting Information

In addition, please see the ‘Second iteration of the TABASC Effectiveness Review Briefing Pack and Questions’ zip folder containing:

  • a briefing slide deck, providing further details on the purpose of the Effectiveness Review; and
  • the word version set of Effectiveness Review questions, that are contained within the online questionnaire to enable respondents to more easily formulate and collate feedback prior to completing the online questionnaire.

If you would like more information on the Effectiveness Review and associated questionnaire, please email the SECAS Helpdesk (


It is recognised that any information you provide may have commercial sensitivity and will be treated in confidence for analysis and any resulting recommendations reported to the Panel. The survey is being undertaken by SECAS, on behalf of the TABASC. All information will be treated in confidence.

However, if a DCC User identifies an emerging problem, it might be necessary for the TABASC to obtain further details for clarification. For this reason, the questionnaire asks for the name of your Organisation and Contact details (for any necessary follow-up activities).