Publication of the Agreed Interpretations V2.3 and the Security Controls Framework (SCF) V2.5

28 September 2021

We are pleased to share with you the publication of the Agreed Interpretations V2.3 and the Security Controls Framework (SCF) V2.5 Part 1 and Part 2. Both tracked-changed versions and clean versions can be found on the website.

The Agreed Interpretations have been updated to include:

  • An update to Section 4 to clarify requirements when utilising a cloud environment to provide Separation.

The SCF Part 2 has been updated to include:

  • Updates to Part 2 Appendix B to include guidance on the use of cloud computing, including key points from the NCSC Cloud Security Principles.
  • Minor update to Part 2 Appendix F to include a clarification in the scope of a Verification User Security Assessment.

If you have any questions on the above, please contact

Thank you