New Plain English Guidance Notes now available

15 April 2021

To help you understand how to follow SEC processes, and comply with the SEC, SECAS has revised the following Guidance Notes. The revisions have been made, following feedback from SEC Parties, to ensure that processes remain up to date and that guidance is written using concise plain English.

Guidance Notes        


SEC Accession Process


Find out the steps that you need to follow to become a SEC Party.


How to use CodeWorks


Find out how to use the digital SEC to make the most of the benefits that CodeWorks offers.


User Entry Process (UEP)


SEC Parties must undertake the UEP process to become Live DCC Users. This document shows you how to complete the required DCC and SECAS steps.


Security Assessments Process Timeline


Find out the estimated timescales for your Party to complete the Full User Security Assessment (FUSA).


Security Rate Card August 2020 – August 2021


Find out about the estimated costs to complete the FUSA, Verification User Security Assessment (VUSA) and Security Self-Assessment (SSA).


Privacy Assessments Process Timeline


Learn what the estimated timescales are for your Party to complete the Privacy Assessment.


Privacy Rate Card August 2020 – August 2021


Shows the estimated costs to complete the Privacy Assessment, Random Sample Privacy Assessment and Privacy Self-Assessment Review.


Director’s Letter


Following a Security Assessment, you may need to complete and submit a Director’s letter. Find out how by reading this guidance.


ID Allocation Procedure


Outlines the process for SEC Parties, the DCC and Registration Data Providers (RDPs) to obtain an ID range, an Organisation number and a Signifier which is required for Parties to use DCC Services.


SEC Party Signifiers


Find out what SEC Party Signifiers are and how to obtain Party and Registration Data Provider (RDP) Signifiers.


Critical Alerts – DCC User to Non-User Churn


Learn the process and requirements that Suppliers need to follow when dealing with Critical Alerts where there is churn from a DCC User to Non-User.


Negotiation, Appeal & Dispute Process


Outlines the SEC Negotiation, Appeal and Dispute Process.


If you have any questions about the Guidance Notes, or are aware of any other processes where you believe further guidance would be useful, please contact the SECAS Helpdesk.