New Cadent Gas Certificate Details: ENA Gas Engineering Requirements (GER3) document updated

17 November 2021

The Energy Networks Association (ENA) has updated the Gas Engineering Requirements (GER3) document containing ACB Certificate details in place of the previous Certificate details for Cadent Gas.


Going forward, all Suppliers should place the ACB Certificate onto Devices upon Post-Commissioning, where Cadent Gas is the Gas Network Operator for that Device.


This is in accordance with SEC Appendix AC Section 5.3 (a) (ii), which came into effect when SEC Modification MP128B was implemented on 11 November 2021. MP128B enables Suppliers to place an ACB Certificate on a Device in the Post-Commissioning process instead of a Gas Network Operator Certificate, in cases where the Gas Network Operator isn’t a DCC User.


SECAS will ensure all SEC Parties are informed via email and on the SEC website when further updates are made to the ENA GER3 document in line with this.


If you have any questions please email