SMKI Recovery Procedure

Means the SEC Subsidiary Document of that name set out in Appendix L,

Section L10.4 of the Code sets out the principle rights and obligations for compliance with
any requirements set out in the SMKI Recovery Procedure.
This document, the SMKI Recovery Procedure, sets out the procedural requirements and the
rights and obligations in respect of the DCC, Parties and the SMKI PMA relating to recovery
from the Compromise of a Relevant Private Key. The scope of the SMKI Recovery
Procedure is as set out in Section L10 of the Code and is further set out in more detail in
Section 1.2 of this document.
The procedures as set out in this document shall be executed in the event of a Compromise of
a Relevant Private Key, other than as directed by the SMKI PMA, in accordance with the
procedures set out in this document.

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